- Acca Larentia Hearth-Woman
- Alaric Breedlove
- Alder Redfern
- Alex Dominick
- Alfar of the Winds
- Alida Hearth-Woman
- Amulets
- Andre Petrov
- Angar Redfern
- Anise Clay
- Anna Dominick
- Aradia Crowley
- Arlin family
- Arno
- Ash Redfern
- Ash Redfern/Quotes
- Ash and Mary-Lynnette: Those Who Favor Fire
- Aviva
- Azhdeha
- Belfana
- Bern
- Between-place
- Binding spells
- Black Dawn
- Black Iris Club
- Blackthorn family
- Blade Redfern
- Blaise Harman
- Blaise Harman/Quotes
- Blood
- Blood-tie
- Blood Feast
- Blue Fire
- Bracken Redfern
- Brionwy
- Brionwy's Lullaby
- Britomartis Hearth-Woman
- Brook Redfern
- Bruce Faber
- Burning Times
- Cecily Harman
- Celestyn
- Ceru
- Chang Xi
- Changing
- Charlie Vera Sr.
- Chervil Redfern
- Chess Clovis
- Circe Harman
- Circle Daybreak
- Circle Midnight
- Circle Twilight
- Circles
- Claire Blessingway
- Claire Goddard
- Cliff Hilgard
- Clèment Blanchet
- Clément Blanchet
- Conlan Spearthrower
- Corinne
- Corisande Harman
- Creon
- Creon the Stranger
- Cup of Death
- Cup of Lethe
- Cybele Harman
- Damia Harman
- Dani Abforth
- Daniel Avery
- Daphne Childs
- Dark Angel
- Darkwalker of the Red Fern
- Daughters of Darkness
- David Blackburn
- David Blackburn/Quotes
- Declan Morrigan
- Delos Redfern
- Delos Redfern/Quotes
- Dorcas Harman
- Dorian Harman
- Dove Redfern
- Drache family
- Draco Saros
- Dragon princess
- Dragons
- Dreamweaver
- Dulse Sheldrake
- Dunlin Redfern
- Edgith Harman
- Eileithyia Hearth-Woman
- Elena Gilbert
- Elodie Blackthorn
- Elspeth Harman
- Emmeth Harman
- Enclaves
- Eric Ross
- Eric Ross/Quotes
- Familiars
- Fayth
- Felina Hearth-Woman
- Fianna Harman
- Fletcher Marsh
- Formation of the Night World
- Galen's father
- Galen's mother
- Galen (witch)
- Galen Drache
- Galen Drache/Quotes
- Garnet Redfern
- Gary Fargeon
- Gary Fargeon/Quotes
- Gavin
- Gavin James
- Gerdeth
- Ghouls
- Gillian Lennox
- Gillian Lennox/Quotes
- Gisèle
- Grandin Harman
- Griffin Redfern
- Grinnel Riverman
- Gunnel Redfern
- Gwen Lennox
- Hannah Snow
- Hannah Snow/Quotes
- Harman-Redfern Family Tree
- Harman family
- Harmony
- Hawksbill of the Red Fern
- Hecate Witch-Queen
- Hecate Witch-Queen's tribe
- Hellewise Hearth-Woman
- Hellewise and Maya's Duel
- Hestia Hearth-Woman
- Hodge Burdock
- Holly Dominick
- Hope Mikaelson
- Hugh Davis
- Human World
- Humans
- Hunter Redfern
- Hunter Redfern/Quotes
- Huntress
- Hybrids
- Ian Kennedy
- Iliana Dominick
- Iliana Dominick/Quotes
- Iluna Hearth-Woman
- Inner Circle
- Iona Skelton
- Ironwood
- Jade Redfern
- James Rasmussen
- James Rasmussen/Quotes
- Jane Kennedy
- Jasmine Thorn
- Jasper Rasmussen
- Jeanne McCartney
- Jeremy's uncle
- Jeremy Lovett
- Jesse North
- Jez's gang
- Jez Redfern
- Jez Redfern/Quotes
- Jez and Morgead's Night Out
- Jim Goddard
- John Quinn
- John Quinn/Quotes
- Josie Saltzman
- Keller's team
- Kestrel Redfern
- Kevin Imamura
- Kierlan Drache
- Kishi Hirata
- L. J. Smith
- Lake Mead High School
- Lamia
- Lawai'a Ikua
- Lawrence Abbington
- Lelahel Odinson
- Lily Redfern
- Lizzie Saltzman
- Locations
- Lost Witches
- Lucienne Blanchet
- Lupe Acevedo
- Madder Rasmussen
- Made Vampires
- Madison Adams
- Maeve Harman
- Maggie Neely
- Maggie Neely/Quotes
- Maiden, Mother, and Crone
- Mal Harman
- Mancy Redfern
- Mark Carter
- Mary-Lynnette Carter
- Mary-Lynnette Carter/Quotes
- Mary Kennedy
- Matt Donovan
- Maya's werewolf
- Maya Hearth-Woman
- Maya Hearth-Woman/Quotes
- Melisande Jordan
- Melusine
- Miles Neely
- Mind control
- Miss Emma
- Moonflower of the Red Fern
- Moonhunter of the Red Fern
- Morgead Blackthorn
- Morgead Blackthorn/Quotes
- Moriath Harman
- Nana Buruku
- Narrow path
- Nathaniel Long
- Night People
- Night Wars
- Night World
- Night World: The Ultimate Fan Guide
- Night World (disambiguation)
- Night World (society)
- Night World Council
- Night World Elders
- Night World Laws
- Night World Role-Playing
- Night World Wiki
- Nightwing
- Nissa Harman
- Nissa Johnson
- Nyala
- Nyala's sister
- Old Mother
- Old Souls
- Opal Burdock
- Owen Dominick
- Owen Franklin
- Paul Winfield
- Paula Belizer
- Phaedra Oryx
- Phillip North
- Phillip North/Quotes
- Phillipa Hilgard
- Phoebe Garner
- Pierce Holt
- Poppy North
- Poppy North/Quotes
- Potions
- Precognition
- Prophecies
- Psychokinesis
- Pyrokinesis
- Raksha Keller
- Raksha Keller/Quotes
- Randy Marik
- Rashel Jordan
- Rashel Jordan/Quotes
- Raven Mandril
- Ravenwing of the Red Fern
- Red Fern
- Redfern family
- Redwing
- Remy
- Retrocognition
- Rhys
- Richard Fargeon
- River Redfern
- Rosamund Ross
- Roseclear Harman
- Rosemary Harman
- Rowan Redfern
- Roxanne Goddard
- Ruby Linden
- Rudi
- Rushglow
- Ryl
- Samhain
- Sarah Strange
- Secret Vampire
- Sekhmet
- Selena Harman
- Selene Lucna
- Selene Vera
- Selene Weald
- Senaida Hearth-Woman
- Sending-back spell
- Shapeshifter Scrolls
- Shapeshifter World
- Shapeshifters
- Sharon Fargeon
- Sheena
- Slave Trade
- Solstice Ceremony
- Sonja Morgenstern
- Sophia Harman
- Soulmate
- Spell Casting
- Spellbinder
- Spellcaster
- Spirits
- Spring Rain
- Spring equinox
- Starlight of the Red Fern
- Sterling Redfern
- Strange Fate
- Strange Fate (Disambiguation)
- Strange Fate (Preview)
- Summer Ice
- Summer solstice
- Summoning spell
- Suzanne Blanchet
- Sweetbrier Curlew
- Swiftbrook of the Red Fern
- Sybil Harman
- Sylvia Weald
- Sylvia Weald/Quotes
- Tanya Jun
- Ted Lennox
- Telepathy
- The Chosen
- The Dark Kingdom
- The Lancers
- The Old Powers
- The Soulmate Principle
- The Wild Powers
- Thea Harman
- Thea Harman/Quotes
- Thicker Than Water
- Thierry Descouedres
- Thierry Descouedres/Quotes
- Thistle Galena
- Thomas Gilbert
- Thomas Vera
- Timeline
- Timothy
- Tobias
- Top 10 list:Favorite Soulmate Couples
- Tormentil Redfern
- Tribe of the Three Rivers
- Truth potion
- Ulf
- Unnamed shapeshifter
- Ur-Demons
- Ursula Harman
- Vampire World