Kestrel Redfern is a lamia vampire, the middle child of the four Redfern siblings, and one of the major characters of the novel Daughters of Darkness. She is also one of the sisters of Ash Redfern; with her other sisters, Rowan and Jade, she escaped the lamia enclave they had once been a part of and came to Oregon, seeking a new life with their great-aunt Opal.
Ash Redfern with his sisters: Jade, Rowan and Kestrel (1996 cover)
"Kestrel was seventeen and had hair the color of old gold sweeping back from her face like a bird's wings. Her eyes were amber and hawklike, and she was never gentle."
She is described as being very beautiful, having hair the color of "old gold" and fierce yellow amber-like eyes that shine with a gold light. She additionally seems to have an air of animalistic ferocity to her. After feeding on blood, she is noted by Mary-Lynnette Carter as "looking like an angel".
Kestrel is characterized as a sarcastic, strong, and stubborn vampire, and is not afraid to engage in a fight. She seems to have more of a survivalist personality, and does not shirk from the idea of killing to survive or maintain stability, sometimes even taking a grim enjoyment in it. She is, however, deeply loyal to her sisters, as well as the Carters after their blood-tie ceremony. Additionally, despite her shared caution of her brother Ash, Kestrel is quick to mock and trade insults with him.
In compliment to her appearance, which is often compared to a bird, Kestrel is named after the smallest species of falcon, the kestrel.
An interesting note is that Kestrel shares not only the eye color, but the exacting and cool nature of her ancient relation, Lily Redfern, although unlike Lily, Kestrel does not display such deep hatred of humans and is less businesslike. Also like Lily, Kestrel is the middle of three lamia sisters.